Honestly, taxes are the primary reason GreenZoid exists. I was asked to do so much work on the side that every year, regardless of taking no deductions from my "Day Job", I would still owe thousands of dollars each tax season.
This wasn't sustainable. I had to find a way to offset the taxes I was paying. I had to find a way to make my side work profitable, not just delay finiancial obligations.
Another reason for creating this business entity is that it opened up the possibility to gain access to resources that come from businesses that only do B2B sales.
While GreenZoid is listed primarially as a Technology Consulting Service, the vision is to do a lot more than that. In order to fulfill that vision I need the help of other people, employees. I realize I can't do it all on my own, and as a business entity it provides a framework better suited to facilitate those relationships.
Seperating out my finances related to the work I am doing on the side helps me to measure the impact the work I am doing that is intended to help me reach my financial goals.
How much am I spending just to make an extra few bucks? Is what I'm doing effective? Do I need to refocus?
There comes a point in all peoples life where they ask themselves, "Why do I work?"
Crossing that mental threshold I come to the well known realization, "I work to live, I don't live to work!"
So with that in mind, I identify the things that anyone needs to live: Food, Shelter, Clothing, and time with Friends. That's the bare minimum.
Then ELEVATE that basic environment to make it more enjoyable, more beautiful, more peaceful.
Ultimately, I want GreenZoid to be a company who's main product is investing in people.
Provide a place where, with reasonable effort, an individual can recieve the basics their family needs to feel secure. Where they know that they can have a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a community designed to help each individual achive their goals.
Whether GreenZoid is a launching-point into other interests and aspirations or a place where you feel like you're at home and would like to stay up to and through retirement, we'd love to help each individual be able to get to where they want to be.
There are obvious hurdles to achiving my vision. The major threat: Cost. Inflation hinders much of the hard-work, sweat, and tears that are poured into any of our financial goals.
Durning and following "CoVid" one thing was apparent to me. If I want stability and not be susceptible to inflation. I need to own my supply-chain and I need to keep that supply-chain local.
When looking to provide food, shelter, and clothing and owning that supply-chain, the first thing that is a common need is land. That is why one of the primary goals is to setup RealEstate operations. RealEstate procurement and management.
While it is true that I can rent realestate and still provide the services I want to provide, the cost of rent is subject to inflation and the whims of the owner. Owning the land locks in a set cost that is then budgetable and will eventually be reduced significantly once the mortgage is paid off and all you are left with are taxes and utilities.
The environment matters!
When looking at technology, GreenZoid tries to maximize its positive impact on the environment while minimizing the negative.
Each technology has its "pros" and "cons" when it comes to its impact on the environment. GreenZoid is dedicated to a continuous improvement model to implement technologies that improve our partnership with the environment.
Don't be fooled! GreenZoid doesn't care about GDP, we're more concerned about the cost of living.
If the economy is doing so great:
Previous generations were able to live off of one average income. Why is that not possible today?
It is said that Food, Shelter and Clothing are the basic neccessities of life, how can we provide these without putting people into financial slavery?
Ultimately, what is the purchasing power of the dollar IN the country you live? Not, compared to "other" countries.
I'd like to say GreenZoid stays politically neutral but in all reality it's impossible to be neutral. But I will say that we don't devote ourselves to any specific party.
We support policies that are label-neutral. Policies that use labels regarding race, gender, sexuality, and religious affiliation to divide a population, have no place in any space especially anywhere within GreenZoid. Many labels promote an "US v.s. THEM" mentality that divides instead of unites. We encourage a "WE ALL" mentality, as in "We are all in this together."
We support policies that are respectful, responsible, and kind to all. We believe that helping the less fortunate is everyone's responsibility.
Some see "Government" as an "US v.s. THEM" issue. We view "Government" as a regulating part of "WE ALL". If you don't like how the government impacts you, get involved, you have a say, make sure you say it... properly*.
GreenZoid does not use gender as a factor in any of our business decisions, period.
While gender is an important topic to a lot of people and how they view their identity, we belive that it is relevant only in terms of one's private or social aspects of life. We assert that gender roles do not have place in professional environments.
At present, none of our operations rely on anatomical differences in individuals and as such we stress gender doesn't (or at least shouldn't) matter in the workplace! If we start making catheters, we might feel differently.
However, if we make any accomodations based on gender, it will solely be for the purpose of improving the physical and mental well-being of everyone concerned by attempting to create an environment where all can feel safe.